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    Coin Ring 100% Money Back Guarantee

    You're Intrigued, But...

    Morgan Silver Dollar Coin Ring detail with coin - Silver State Foundry

    You want to see it's amazing detail with your own eyes, to feel its craftsmanship and 'comfort fit' on your own hand before you commit.  

    But online pictures and descriptions only get you so far.

    We get it, we're the same way.

    ...You Need ALL Your Risk Removed

    We're confident you'll know it's 'the ring for you' as soon as you slip it on. But that'll be just the beginning of your love affair.

    Wear it for a month, have it catch your eye while you're out to dinner or running errands, enjoy the compliments of your family and friends, spin it with your thumb while you're deep in thought. 

    Then if you're not absolutely in love with it, return your ring within 60 days and we'll refund your money*. 100% of it, no questions asked. 

    There's No Reason Not To Choose Your Ring Today

    Amazing and inspiring designs. Old world craftsmanship. Customized fit and finish. All risk removed. What are you waiting for?

    Shop Our Coin Ring Collections

    *Gold rings are excluded


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